Porch Lifts, also known as Vertical Platform Lifts (VPLs) are designed to transport a person with limited mobility. They can accommodate up to 750 LBS. and have a travel height up to 14 feet.
A Porch Lift, or Vertical Platform Lift (VPL) can take up substantially less room than an ADA Compliant ramp and also be backed up by batteries in case of an emergency power outage. These durable, long-lasting outdoor units are able to safely carry a person that is using a mobility device such as a power wheelchair or scooter to an upper or lower level. Sometimes, an existing porch isn’t sufficient to support and allow for the Porch Lift or VPL to be used efficiently. This is absolutely not a problem, because at Centerspan, our technicians are accomplished construction experts as well, and will custom build porches, steps, and decking surfaces as needed for your home. Our custom carpentry is beautiful, durable, and will add to the curb appeal of your home.
Take a look at some of our custom VPL installs including custom carpentry:
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Give us a call, and our experts will schedule a FREE evaluation at your home to help you determine if a Porch Lift or VPL is the right solution for you.
Cargo Lifts
If you or someone you know struggles bringing things upstairs, a cargo lift may be the right answer. Not designed for riders, a cargo lift is capable of lifting up to 350 LBS.
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